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The fastest wheels for Cycling Time Trials - Group Test
Admit it, we all love a good-looking, great-sounding pair of wheels on our TT bikes. But which wheels are fastest? I went to find out.
Oct 5, 20237 min read

Is there such a thing as data underload in cycling?
Could a lack of data during a race be causing this time trial cyclist to underperform?
Sep 26, 20234 min read

Gran Turismo and 'cheating' to buy speed in cycling Time Trials
Bear with me… Back in the day, probably around the time of the Playstation 2, I was fleetingly hooked on the driving game Gran Turismo...
Aug 15, 20233 min read

Money can't buy you speed?
Spoiler alert. I started 2022 with a 10-mile PB of 20:16. As of last weekend, I stand to end it (one race remaining) with a PB of 19:23....
Sep 12, 20225 min read

Kicking Off the 2022 Time Trial season – New Giant Trinity, New Position, New Kit
It felt like a long time since the aero testing on the track at Newport Velodrome by the time I lined-up for the first Time Trial of 2022...
Apr 27, 20225 min read

Less Power, More Speed on the Bike: calculating the benefits of aero testing
Rewind to February 2022. The British time trial cycling season is a still a long way off, training is still very much in the “base” phase...
Apr 25, 20224 min read

Long covid, weight gain and the pursuit of fitness
I’ve never tested positive for Covid. And I’ve done a lot of lateral flow and PCR tests. It goes with the territory of working in an...
Jan 13, 20223 min read

Enve SES 8.9 vs 7.8: which is best for Time Trials & Triathlon?
Update 9/10/23: my latest TT wheel review can be found here (Enve 7.8 vs Aerocoach Titan vs Strada Trispoke). When the Enve SES 8.9...
Jul 30, 20215 min read

The season I'd rather forget continues...
It's almost time to do my next blood test to see whether I've managed to raise the levels that were deemed low in my previous tests...
Jun 21, 20213 min read

What difference can the right TT helmet make in the real world?
Testing the Bell Javelin, HJC Adwatt and POC Tempor time trial cyling helmets against each other.
May 2, 20217 min read

It's almost time to race
Hard to believe but, barring any disasters, we should hopefully be time trialling again in a few weeks. Bank holiday Monday in early...
Mar 24, 20212 min read

And the Cycling Jersey of the year goes to....
And the best cycling jersey of 2020 award goes to.....! Will it be Rapha, Komraid, Paul Smith or someone else?
Jan 4, 20212 min read

Now is the winter of our discontent
A broken TT bike, too much time on the turbo trainer and tours of Zwift. All of these things make Matt a grumpy cyclist...
Dec 29, 20204 min read

A course PB, a cracked frame and a DNS(A)
Having set a new overall 10-mile PB on P881 just seven days before, I knew my form was above average (for me), so going into the VTTA...
Sep 28, 20203 min read

Chasing a sub 20-minute 10-mile Time Trial
How fast do you need to be to be "fast" at an Open 10 mile TT? Answer: VERY fast...
Sep 8, 20204 min read

A distinctly average Time Trial cyclist
Yes, I was officially the lowest-seeded rider at the National 10-mile Time Trial Championships... Just how slow?
Sep 4, 20205 min read

Oakley Sutro S – small faces rejoice!
If you love the look of the Oakley Sutro sports sunglasses but felt they were just that little bit big to get away with (think Adam Yates...
Aug 4, 20201 min read

Oakley "Kokoro" collection sunglasses
Having resisted urges to buy any Oakley sunglasses for more than a year (I have 20+ pairs, N+1 was wearing thin as a justification to buy...
Jul 27, 20201 min read

Komraid "Swagger" socks
Komraid is expanding its range of cycling gear with the addition of its first batch of socks. Named "Swagger" they are designed to...
Jul 27, 20201 min read

Two course PBs and sealant everywhere
Another time trial course PB following the return to racing
Jul 15, 20202 min read
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